iBellydance: New
What is Belly Dance? Good Question. Belly Dance is an American term that encompasses MANY different styles of Middle Eastern, Eastern European, and North African dances both traditional and modern, and also Fusion styles that have pieces that resemble these dances form the "old country" but are distinctly American. Also, Belly Dance is somewhat of a misnomer since the dance has much more to do with the hips than the belly. There are also many different terms for the different Belly Dance styles depending on the...
I am curious how the other Belly Dancer Mamas out there balance Motherhood with creativity. Do you try to fit in short bursts, or do you get someone to watch the kids while you work?
There are many to chose from. Turkish. Egyptian. American. Who creates your favorite costumes?
We all have such unique experiences with Belly Dance. I am Curious when you took your first Belly Dance Class. Where was it?
Andalee has a DVD coming out soon through Cheeky Girls Productions. What topics would you like to see?

The oh so entertaining and ever popular web series Project Belly Dance Featuring 23 Professional Belly Dancers competing for the title of "Top Belly Dancer"! This is the trailer but you can view all 4 episodes on www.topbellydancer.com
Have you been thinking about joining a local Belly Dance Class? Many people are curious about Belly Dance but are unsure of what to expect in a class, or may be worried about not being the "right" body type, weight, or age.